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.NET/Java PDF, Tiff, Barcode SDK LibraryYou must ensure that you ve set the appropriate credentials for the Windows systems user in order to execute a database job through OEM. When you try to start or stop the database from OEM, for example, you must have the Windows Log On as a Batch Job privilege. Here s how you grant his privilege to a Windows user: 1. Go to Start Control Panel Adminstrative Tools Local Security Policy. 2. Choose Local Policies under the Security Settings list. 3. Click on User Rights Assignment. 4. Ensure that Log On as a Batch Job is enabled under Policy. 5. Restart your Windows server. barcode font in excel 2003, how to add barcode in excel 2007, create barcode in excel 2016, barcode activex control for excel 2010 free download, barcode excel 2010 freeware, creating barcodes in excel 2003, how to change font to barcode in excel, microsoft excel barcode generator software, barcode erstellen excel, barcode font for excel download,This produces the following output: You can start the Oracle Service, in one of two ways. From your Start menu, select Programs Control Panel Administrative Tools. Double-click on Services, find the name of the database you want to stop or start, and select Start, Stop, or Pause. You can also start or stop your database by going to the command line and using the net start or net stop commands, as shown here: C:\>net stop OracleServiceORCL The OracleServiceORCL service is stopping............ The OracleServiceORCL service was stopped successfully. C:\>net start OracleServiceORCL The OracleServiceORCL service is starting........... The OracleServiceORCL service was started successfully. C:\> Shutting down a database by directly stopping the Oracle Service (instead of issuing the SHUTDOWN command from within SQL*PLUS) will abruptly stop your database, and the database will have to perform an instance recovery upon restarting. Your Oracle databases will start up automatically when the Windows server is rebooted. On occasion, however, your databases may surprise you by not starting up with system startup. A common cause of startup failure is that the remote_login_passwordfile parameter isn t set in the init.ora file or the SPFILE. You can also start the database from the command prompt or access it after it has started, but be careful to set your ORACLE_SID variable at the command prompt or make sure it s part of your environment. If the database name isn t set in either of these ways, you ll get the following error: To pass the enum value as an argument, a standard conversion to Object^ is applied, which implies boxing.. The -v switch is a relatively new option for assigning a variable, and it may not be ideal when you re shooting for portability. In that case, this usage should do the trick: C:\> sqlplus /nolog SQL*Plus: Release - Beta on Sat Apr 9 12:28:13 2005 Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved. SQL> CONNECT SYS/SAMMYY1 AS SYSDBA ERROR: ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error SQL> EXIT You can avoid the preceding error by setting the ORACLE_SID variable as follows (FINANCE is the database name): C:\> SET ORACLE_SID=FINANCE C:\> SQLPLUS /NOLOG SQL*Plus: Release - Beta on Sat Apr 9 12:33:27 2005 Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved. SQL> CONNECT sys/sammyy1 AS SYSDBA Connected to an idle instance. SQL> Instead of setting the environment variable for the ORACLE_SID variable each time you want to log in to the database from the command line, you can set it permanently by adding an environment variable for ORACLE_SID. To do this, go to Control Panel System Advanced Environment Variables. Here, you can use the Edit button to enter the new ORACLE_SID environment variable and its value. You can set the environment variable for a single user or you can set it system-wide. The Oracle listener service, similar to the listener utility on UNIX servers, is responsible for listening to requests from new connections. The listener service has the naming format OracleHOME_ NAMETNSListener. You can t connect to the instance using the username/password@net_servicename format if the listener service is down. You ll get the ORA-12541 error if you try, as shown here: ERROR ORA-12541: TNS:no listener To restart the listener service, you can use the Services window. Go to Control Panel Administrative Services Component Services Services (Local) and start the OracleHOME_ NAMETNSListener service. Alternatively, you can use the lsnrctl utility, as shown in Listing 20-6 (the listing shows the status option). You can also use lsnrctl with the start and stop options, to stop and start the listener service). Note that a single listener service can serve all the database instances on your server. Listing 20-6. Using the lsnrctl Utility C:\> lsnrctl status LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Prod on 05-AUG-2005 10:09:34 Copyright (c) 1991, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( )(PORT=1521))) STATUS of the LISTENER -----------------------Alias LISTENER Version TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production Start Date 03-AUG-2005 16:57:06 Uptime 1 days 17 hr. 12 min. 28 sec